Static and Driven Tool Holders For DMG Mori

VDI 40 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 32 - External coolant (LT-S VDI40 ER32 H97 DIN5480 SA)
Series: 05222000
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | VDI 40 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 32 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£1125.00 excl. VAT
£1350.00 incl. VAT
£1125.00 excl. VAT
£1350.00 incl. VAT
VDI 40 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 32 - External coolant (LT-A VDI40ER32 H100 L-R 5480SA)
Series: 05222600
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | VDI 40 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 32 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£2025.00 excl. VAT
£2430.00 incl. VAT
£2025.00 excl. VAT
£2430.00 incl. VAT
VDI 30 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 25 - External coolant (LT-S VDI30 ER25 H112 DIN5480SA)
Series: 05220200
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | VDI 30 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 25 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£1408.00 excl. VAT
£1689.60 incl. VAT
£1408.00 excl. VAT
£1689.60 incl. VAT
VDI 30 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 25 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-A VDI30ER25F H100 DIN5480SA)
Series: 05220600
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | VDI 30 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 25 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£2524.00 excl. VAT
£3028.80 incl. VAT
£2524.00 excl. VAT
£3028.80 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 32 - External coolant (LT-S D60 ER32 HS H96)
Series: 05040200
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 32 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£998.00 excl. VAT
£1197.60 incl. VAT
£998.00 excl. VAT
£1197.60 incl. VAT
VDI 30 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 25 - Internal coolant (LT-S VDI30 ER25RFH112DIN5480SA)
Series: 05220300
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | VDI 30 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 25 |
Coolant: | Internal coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£1561.00 excl. VAT
£1873.20 incl. VAT
£1561.00 excl. VAT
£1873.20 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Double Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 32F - Internal nut - Ext Coolant (LT-A D60 ER32F-32F HS H90)
Series: 05240500
Type: | LT-A DBL - Tool holder double angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 32 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Contact us today by phone, email or web chat to receive a personalised quote with discounted prices
Starting From:
£2921.00 excl. VAT
£3505.20 incl. VAT
£2921.00 excl. VAT
£3505.20 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 32 - External coolant (LT-A D60 ER32 LR HS H90)
Series: 05040100
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 32 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£1999.00 excl. VAT
£2398.80 incl. VAT
£1999.00 excl. VAT
£2398.80 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 40 - External coolant (LT-S D60 ER40 HS H102)
Series: 05040300
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 40 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Shell-Mill DIN138 22 - External coolant (LT-S D60 DIN138-22 HS H77)
Series: 05040400
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Shell-Mill DIN138 22 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Shell-Mill DIN138 27 - External coolant (LT-S D60 DIN138-27 HS H79)
Series: 05040500
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Shell-Mill DIN138 27 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 40 - External coolant (LT-A D60 ER40 L-R HS H90)
Series: 05040600
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 40 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 40 F - Internal nut - Internal coolant (LT-A D60 ER40F LR RF H90)
Series: 05040700
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 40 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | Internal coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 40 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-A D60 ER40-F L-R H90)
Series: 05041000
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 40 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Straight/Axial Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 40 F - Internal nut - Internal coolant (LT-S D60 ER40F RF H93)
Series: 05041100
Type: | LT-S - Tool holder straight |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 40 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | Internal coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Shell-Mill DIN138 27 - External coolant (LT-A D60 DIN138-27 L-R H90)
Series: 05041200
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Shell-Mill DIN138 27 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Driven Tool - Shell-Mill DIN138 22 - External coolant (LT-A D60 DIN138-22 L-R H90)
Series: 05041300
Type: | LT-A - Tool holder angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Shell-Mill DIN138 22 |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Right Angle/Radial Double Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 32F - Internal nut - Ext Coolant (LT-A D60 ER32F-32F L-R H90)
Series: 05041400
Type: | LT-A DBL - Tool holder double angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 32 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£2549.00 excl. VAT
£3058.80 incl. VAT
£2549.00 excl. VAT
£3058.80 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Adjustable Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 16 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-T D60 ER16F H63-132 MS)
Series: 05041600
Type: | LT-T - Tool holder tiltable |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 16 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Adjustable Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 20 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-T D60 ER20F H70-151 MS)
Series: 05041700
Type: | LT-T - Tool holder tiltable |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 20 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Staight/Axial Offset Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 20 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-S D60 ER20FOF78LR1:3 H115)
Series: 05041800
Type: | LT-S OFS - Tool holder straight offset |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 20 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Staight/Axial Double Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 20 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-S2 D60 ER20F-20F 1:2 H111)
Series: 05042000
Type: | LT-S2 - Tool holder double straight |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 20 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
£0.00 excl. VAT
£0.00 incl. VAT
VDI 30 Right Angle/Radial Double Driven Tool - Collet nut ER 25 F - Internal nut - External coolant (LT-A VDI30 ER25F-25FH1005480SA)
Series: 05221400
Type: | LT-A DBL - Tool holder double angle 90¡ |
Mounting: | VDI 30 |
Tool Output: | Collet nut ER 25 F - internal nut |
Coolant: | External coolant |
Starting From:
£3240.00 excl. VAT
£3888.00 incl. VAT
£3240.00 excl. VAT
£3888.00 incl. VAT
Cylindrical Shank 60 Boring Bar Holder - Boring Bar Holder 50 - External / Internal coolant (TH-BRB D60 D50 H80 MS)
Series: 06042100
Type: | TH-BRB - Boring bar holder |
Mounting: | CYLINDRICAL SHANK 60 |
Tool Output: | Boring Bar Holder 50 |
Coolant: | External / Internal coolant |
Starting From:
£616.00 excl. VAT
£739.20 incl. VAT
£616.00 excl. VAT
£739.20 incl. VAT