Pull Studs for BT MAS, DIN 69871 (SK) and DIN 2080 (ISO)

BT MAS (BT30 / BT40 / BT50) Through Coolant Pull Stud
Series: PS-BT-TC
Through Coolant type pull studs (with through coolant) for use with all BT MAS (BT30, BT40 and BT50) spindle tooling systems
BT MAS (BT30 / BT40 / BT50) Standard Type Pull Stud
Series: PS-BT
Standard type pull studs (without through coolant) for use with all BT MAS (BT30, BT40 and BT50) spindle tooling systems
DIN69872 (SK30 / SK40 / SK50) Standard Type Pull Stud
Series: PS-SK
Standard type pull studs (without through coolant) for use with all DIN69872 (SK30 / SK40 / SK50) spindle tooling systems
DIN2080 (ISO30 / ISO40 / ISO50) Through Coolant Pull Stud
Series: PS-ISO-TC
Through Coolant type pull studs (with through coolant) for use with all DIN2080 (ISO30 / ISO40 / ISO50) spindle tooling systems
DIN69872 (SK30 / SK40 / SK50) Through Coolant Pull Stud
Series: PS-SK-TC
Through Coolant type pull studs (with through coolant) for use with all DIN69872 (SK30 / SK40 / SK50) spindle tooling systems
DIN2080 (ISO30 / ISO40 / ISO50) Standard Type Pull Stud
Series: PS-ISO
Standard type pull studs (without through coolant) for use with all DIN2080 (ISO30 / ISO40 / ISO50) spindle tooling systems